Sunday, July 17, 2011


Jesse and I love family home evening. Sometimes it's hard to come up with stuff to do with just us two (especially in the winter in Rexburg). When we were cleaning our house we found some teeth bleaching pens. Then we had the idea of using them to bleach T-shirts.  The bleach had been sitting so long it didn't do anything. So we emptied the gel out of the pens and filled them with Clorox bleach. It was a really fun activity. Take a look at what we made!! If you have any other fun FHE ideas for the two of us please feel free to comment.

      *We only had one black shirt so I bleached my infamous sweats!
         *My husbands from the South. He thinks he's gangster.
           *My husbands from the South. He has weird nicknames for me.


  1. hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha!!!!!!!.......

  2. That is awesome!! So creative! Sam and I love to play Battleship, get our Putt-Putt on, group up with another childless couple and switch off dinner and lesson & dessert...We love the chance to read talks out of the Ensign, and discuss them without interruption while we still can!! Cute post!
